martes, 29 de marzo de 2011


One upon a time in a big forest where three Little pigs live sorrounded by many gardens and landcapes because the three Little pigs had a big treasure well hid in order to protect it. The place was known just for the three Little pigs and something very corious about it. Is that the treasure had a magic power that stayed them to be alive together with the rest of animals and plants. The three Little pigs used to live in a beautiful and big house in a meadow in the middle of the forest named Andalassia, every spring they had a party to celebrate its arrival and with that the season of gathering the harvest everybody was happy until that .
One day the peaceful place was interrupted by three Little sows whose purpose was to make the three Little pigs fall in love with them.
They were from a distant country and they were told about the magic treasure and they wanted to steal it. So when the three Little sows arrived. Every one   was amazed for they good appearance without knowing their dark intentions. They were intelligent  that they could deceive the residents of Andalassia but actually not all of them because a squirrel heard when the three Little sows were talking about the three Little pigs and the magic treasure the way they could steal it. So, the three Little sows , found the house at the end of the day and one of the three Little pigs saw the three Little sows, he ran to tell his brothers. Inmediately, the the three of them open the door and started welcoming them, they introduce each other they went inside house there, they began a conversation about their lives, the three Little sows told the three  Little pigs that they were alone that their parents had died and they have nobody in the world so, the three little pigs felt sorry for them and the three Little pigs allowed them to stay at their house during the course of the day the three Little pigs were falling in love  with the three Little sows. The squirrel who knew very well the three Little sows tried to cdvice and ten everyone that the three Little sows were bad. That they just wanted the treasure of andalassia everybody ignored the squirrel and  they thought  that it was crazy because the tree Little sows had bihaved in a friendly way all the time until that are of them invitetd a lited Little pig for a wallk in the moonlight, she convinced him in order that he could tell her where the treasure was hid. The next day,  hile the three Little pigs were working buildin henhouse and fixing a fence, something  was happening in  the house, the three Little sows were planning the  day and the time  they were going to for the treasure but they did not know how proteeted  wit raps it was. That day arrived, they embarked on the trio toward the place where the treasuse was. After the three Little pigs had left to work. When they arrived.they started looking for it but their ambitian conld not againts the squirrel´s astuteness who had to confront the three Little sow alone. The three litle pigs were a Little close and they culd Heard loud shouts so as they ran as fast as they could and they realized that the three Little sows were trying to steal the treasure the three Little pigs were surprised of that when snddenly those friendly faces bécame so horrible and  they were  not sows, they were witches pretending to be Little sows and they wanted to kill the three Little pigs but the witches died in the traps that proteected the treasure. After that. The three Little pigs promisied not to trust again to anybody that was not from Andalassia anayway they were happy being alone they said and they rewarded the squirrel´s cousage and everything bécame.

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