martes, 29 de marzo de 2011


Stadents life at UNIVO university is a kind of hard when we reffer to learning techniques because most of us do not care about it. We simply try to adapt a traditional way that  consist inacquiring the information that the teacher gives as and that we do not investigate for ourselves and that is an obstocle which prevent a significant learning. Another cause  foreslow learning is that at UNIVO engilsh students group are really big becoming a  difficult job for teacher in identifying students problems in their learning process and in that case when trying to find a solution for each of them. Also, shyness affects the learning process because students do not achieve to perform the habilities the have for learning a new language and stops them   when they want to ask something about the class in order to clarify their doubts and for giving their point of view.
Moreover the methodologies are applied independently of students necessities. Something else that students have to face  at UNIVO is to be together with students from other coreers what means that english  students do not  have an especific place were just english students could be without any kind of interference so if this were posible there would have no be any kind of distraction and there would be more interaction among english students all the time and therefore students would practice the lenguaje more often.

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